Module tomotopy.coherence
추가된 버전: 0.10.0
이 모듈은 다음 논문에 의거한 토픽 coherence 계산법을 제공합니다:
- Röder, M., Both, A., & Hinneburg, A. (2015, February). Exploring the space of topic coherence measures. In Proceedings of the eighth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (pp. 399-408).
Expand source code
..versionadded:: 0.10.0
This module provides the way to calculate topic coherence introduced the following paper:
> * Röder, M., Both, A., & Hinneburg, A. (2015, February). Exploring the space of topic coherence measures. In Proceedings of the eighth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (pp. 399-408).
from _tomotopy import _Coherence
from enum import IntEnum
class ProbEstimation(IntEnum):
This enumeration follows the probability estimator in the paper.
class Segmentation(IntEnum):
This enumeration follows the segmentation in the paper.
class ConfirmMeasure(IntEnum):
This enumeration follows the direct confirm measure in the paper.
PMI = 5
NPMI = 6
class IndirectMeasure(IntEnum):
This enumeration follows the indirect confirm measure in the paper.
NONE = 0
DICE = 2
del IntEnum
class Coherence(_Coherence):
'''`Coherence` class provides the way to calculate topic coherence.
_COH_MAP = {
'u_mass':(ProbEstimation.DOCUMENT, 0, Segmentation.ONE_PRE, ConfirmMeasure.LOGCOND, IndirectMeasure.NONE),
'c_v':(ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS, 110, Segmentation.ONE_SET, ConfirmMeasure.NPMI, IndirectMeasure.COSINE),
'c_uci':(ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS, 10, Segmentation.ONE_ONE, ConfirmMeasure.PMI, IndirectMeasure.NONE),
'c_npmi':(ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS, 10, Segmentation.ONE_ONE, ConfirmMeasure.NPMI, IndirectMeasure.NONE)
def __init__(self, corpus, coherence='u_mass', window_size=0, targets=None, top_n=10, eps=1e-12, gamma=1.0):
'''Initialize an instance to calculate coherence for given corpus
corpus : Union[tomotopy.utils.Corpus, tomotopy.LDAModel]
A reference corpus to be used for estimating probability.
Supports not only an instance of `tomotopy.utils.Corpus`, but also any topic model instances including `tomotopy.LDAModel` and its descendants.
If `corpus` is an instance of `tomotpy.utils.Corpus`, `targets` must be given too.
coherence : Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]]
A coherence metric to be used. The metric can be a combination of (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure`)
or a combination of (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure`, `tomotopy.coherence.IndirectMeasure`).
Also shorthands in `str` type are supported as follows:
> * 'u_mass' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.DOCUMENT`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_PRE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.LOGCOND`)
> * 'c_uci' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_ONE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.PMI`)
> * 'c_npmi' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_ONE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.NPMI`)
> * 'c_v' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_SET`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.NPMI`, `tomotopy.coherence.IndirectMeasure.COSINE`)
window_size : int
A window size for `tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`.
default value is 10 for 'c_uci' and 'c_npmi' and 110 for 'c_v'.
targets : Iterable[str]
If `corpus` is an instance of `tomotpy.utils.Corpus`, target words must be given.
Only words that are provided as `targets` are included in probability estimation.
top_n : int
The number of top words to be extracted from each topic.
If `corpus` is an instance of `tomotopy.LDAModel` and its descendants, target words are extracted from each topic of the topic model.
But if `targets` are given, target words are extracted from `targets`, even if `corpus` is an instance of topic models.
eps : float
An epsilon value to prevent division by zero
gamma : float
A gamma value for indirect confirm measures
import tomotopy as tp
import itertools
self._top_n = top_n
if isinstance(corpus, tp.DTModel):
self._topic_model = corpus
if targets is None:
targets = itertools.chain(*((w for w, _ in corpus.get_topic_words(k, t, top_n=top_n)) for k in range(corpus.k) for t in range(corpus.num_timepoints)))
corpus =
elif isinstance(corpus, tp.LDAModel):
self._topic_model = corpus
if targets is None:
targets = itertools.chain(*((w for w, _ in corpus.get_topic_words(k, top_n=top_n)) for k in range(corpus.k)))
corpus =
self._topic_model = None
pe, w, seg, cm, im = Coherence._COH_MAP[coherence]
except KeyError:
if type(coherence) is str: raise ValueError("Unknown `coherence` value (given {})".format(repr(coherence)))
if len(coherence) not in (3, 4): raise ValueError("`coherence` must be a tuple with len=3 or len=4 (given {})".format(repr(coherence)))
if len(coherence) == 3:
pe, seg, cm = coherence
im = IndirectMeasure.NONE
pe, seg, cm, im = coherence
w = 0
if type(pe) is str: pe = ProbEstimation[pe]
if type(seg) is str: seg = Segmentation[seg]
if type(cm) is str: cm = ConfirmMeasure[cm]
if type(im) is str: im = IndirectMeasure[im]
if not targets: raise ValueError("`targets` must be given as a non-empty iterable of str.")
super().__init__(corpus, pe=pe, seg=seg, cm=cm, im=im, window_size=window_size or w, targets=targets, eps=eps, gamma=gamma)
def get_score(self, words=None, topic_id=None, timepoint=None):
'''Calculate the coherence score for given `words` or `topic_id`
words : Iterable[str]
Words whose coherence is calculated.
If `tomotopy.coherence.Coherence` was initialized using `corpus` as `tomotopy.LDAModel` or its descendants, `words` can be omitted.
In this case words are extracted from topic with `topic_id`.
topic_id : int
An id of the topic from which words are extracted.
This parameter is valid when `tomotopy.coherence.Coherence` was initialized using `corpus` as `tomotopy.LDAModel` or its descendants.
If this is omitted, the average score of all topics is returned.
timepoint : int
..versionadded:: 0.12.3
A timepoint of the topic from which words are extracted. (Only for `tomotopy.DTModel`)
import tomotopy as tp
if words is None and self._topic_model is None:
raise ValueError("`words` must be provided if `Coherence` is not bound to an instance of topic model.")
if isinstance(self._topic_model, tp.DTModel):
if int(topic_id is None) + int(timepoint is None) == 1:
raise ValueError("Both `topic_id` and `timepoint` should be given.")
if words is None and topic_id is None:
c = []
for k in range(self._topic_model.k):
for t in range(self._topic_model.num_timepoints):
c.append(super().get_score((w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(k, timepoint=t, top_n=self._top_n))))
return sum(c) / len(c)
if words is None:
words = (w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(topic_id, timepoint=timepoint, top_n=self._top_n))
return super().get_score(words)
if timepoint is not None:
raise ValueError("`timepoint` is valid for only `DTModel`.")
if words is None and topic_id is None:
c = []
for k in range(self._topic_model.k):
c.append(super().get_score((w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(k, top_n=self._top_n))))
return sum(c) / len(c)
if words is None:
words = (w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(topic_id, top_n=self._top_n))
return super().get_score(words)
import os
if os.environ.get('TOMOTOPY_LANG') == 'kr':
__doc__ = """..versionadded:: 0.10.0
이 모듈은 다음 논문에 의거한 토픽 coherence 계산법을 제공합니다:
> * Röder, M., Both, A., & Hinneburg, A. (2015, February). Exploring the space of topic coherence measures. In Proceedings of the eighth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining (pp. 399-408).
__pdoc__ = {}
__pdoc__['ProbEstimation'] = '''
논문에 제시된 probability estimator를 위한 열거형
__pdoc__['Segmentation'] = '''
논문에 제시된 segmentation을 위한 열거형
__pdoc__['ConfirmMeasure'] = '''
논문에 제시된 direct confirm measure를 위한 열거형
__pdoc__['IndirectMeasure'] = '''
논문에 제시된 indirect confirm measure를 위한 열거형
__pdoc__['Coherence'] = '''
`Coherence` 클래스는 coherence를 계산하는 방법을 제공합니다.
주어진 코퍼스를 바탕으로 coherence를 계산하는 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.
corpus : Union[tomotopy.utils.Corpus, tomotopy.LDAModel]
단어 분포 확률을 추정하기 위한 레퍼런스 코퍼스.
`tomotopy.utils.Corpus` 타입뿐만 아니라 `tomotopy.LDAModel`를 비롯한 다양한 토픽 모델링 타입의 인스턴스까지 지원합니다.
만약 `corpus`가 `tomotpy.utils.Corpus`의 인스턴스라면 `targets`이 반드시 주어져야 합니다.
coherence : Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]]
coherence를 계산하는 데 사용될 척도. 척도는 (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure`)의 조합이거나
(`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure`, `tomotopy.coherence.IndirectMeasure`)의 조합이어야 합니다.
또한 다음과 같이 `str` 타입의 단축표현도 제공됩니다.
> * 'u_mass' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.DOCUMENT`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_PRE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.LOGCOND`)
> * 'c_uci' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_ONE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.PMI`)
> * 'c_npmi' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_ONE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.NPMI`)
> * 'c_v' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_SET`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.NPMI`, `tomotopy.coherence.IndirectMeasure.COSINE`)
window_size : int
`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`가 사용될 경우 쓰일 window 크기.
기본값은 'c_uci'와 'c_npmi'의 경우 10, 'c_v'의 경우 110입니다.
targets : Iterable[str]
만약 `corpus`가 `tomotpy.utils.Corpus`의 인스턴스인 경우, 목표 단어가 주어져야 합니다.
`targets`에 주어진 단어 목록에 대해서만 확률 분포가 추정됩니다.
top_n : int
각 토픽에서 추출할 상위 단어의 개수.
만약 `corpus`이 `tomotopy.LDAModel`나 기타 토픽 모델의 인스턴스인 경우, 목표 단어는 각 토픽의 상위 단어에서 추출됩니다.
만약 `targets`이 주어진 경우 `corpus`가 토픽 모델인 경우에도 `targets`에서 목표 단어를 가져옵니다.
eps : float
계산 과정에서 0으로 나누는 것을 방지하기 위한 epsilon 값
gamma : float
indirect confirm measure 계산에 사용되는 gamma 값
__pdoc__['Coherence.get_score'] = '''주어진 `words` 또는 `topic_id`를 이용해 coherence를 계산합니다.
words : Iterable[str]
coherence가 계산될 단어들.
만약 `tomotopy.coherence.Coherence`가 `tomotopy.LDAModel`나 기타 토픽 모델의 인스턴스로 `corpus`를 받아 초기화된 경우 `words`는 생략될 수 있습니다.
이 경우 단어들은 토픽 모델의 `topic_id` 토픽에서 추출됩니다.
topic_id : int
단어가 추출될 토픽의 id.
이 파라미터는 오직 `tomotopy.coherence.Coherence`가 `tomotopy.LDAModel`나 기타 토픽 모델의 인스턴스로 `corpus`를 받아 초기화된 경우에만 사용 가능합니다.
생략시 모든 토픽의 coherence 점수를 평균낸 값이 반환됩니다.
timepoint : int
..versionadded:: 0.12.3
단어가 추출될 토픽의 시점 (`tomotopy.DTModel`에서만 유효)
del os
class Coherence (corpus, coherence='u_mass', window_size=0, targets=None, top_n=10, eps=1e-12, gamma=1.0)
클래스는 coherence를 계산하는 방법을 제공합니다.주어진 코퍼스를 바탕으로 coherence를 계산하는 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.
:Union[Corpus, LDAModel]
- 단어 분포 확률을 추정하기 위한 레퍼런스 코퍼스.
타입뿐만 아니라LDAModel
를 비롯한 다양한 토픽 모델링 타입의 인스턴스까지 지원합니다. 만약corpus
의 인스턴스라면targets
이 반드시 주어져야 합니다. coherence
:Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]]
coherence를 계산하는 데 사용될 척도. 척도는 (
)의 조합이거나 (ProbEstimation
)의 조합이어야 합니다.또한 다음과 같이
타입의 단축표현도 제공됩니다.- 'u_mass' : (
) - 'c_uci' : (
) - 'c_npmi' : (
) - 'c_v' : (
- 'u_mass' : (
가 사용될 경우 쓰일 window 크기. 기본값은 'c_uci'와 'c_npmi'의 경우 10, 'c_v'의 경우 110입니다.targets
- 만약
의 인스턴스인 경우, 목표 단어가 주어져야 합니다.targets
에 주어진 단어 목록에 대해서만 확률 분포가 추정됩니다. top_n
- 각 토픽에서 추출할 상위 단어의 개수.
나 기타 토픽 모델의 인스턴스인 경우, 목표 단어는 각 토픽의 상위 단어에서 추출됩니다. 만약targets
이 주어진 경우corpus
가 토픽 모델인 경우에도targets
에서 목표 단어를 가져옵니다. eps
- 계산 과정에서 0으로 나누는 것을 방지하기 위한 epsilon 값
- indirect confirm measure 계산에 사용되는 gamma 값
Expand source code
class Coherence(_Coherence): '''`Coherence` class provides the way to calculate topic coherence. ''' _COH_MAP = { 'u_mass':(ProbEstimation.DOCUMENT, 0, Segmentation.ONE_PRE, ConfirmMeasure.LOGCOND, IndirectMeasure.NONE), 'c_v':(ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS, 110, Segmentation.ONE_SET, ConfirmMeasure.NPMI, IndirectMeasure.COSINE), 'c_uci':(ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS, 10, Segmentation.ONE_ONE, ConfirmMeasure.PMI, IndirectMeasure.NONE), 'c_npmi':(ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS, 10, Segmentation.ONE_ONE, ConfirmMeasure.NPMI, IndirectMeasure.NONE) } def __init__(self, corpus, coherence='u_mass', window_size=0, targets=None, top_n=10, eps=1e-12, gamma=1.0): '''Initialize an instance to calculate coherence for given corpus Parameters ---------- corpus : Union[tomotopy.utils.Corpus, tomotopy.LDAModel] A reference corpus to be used for estimating probability. Supports not only an instance of `tomotopy.utils.Corpus`, but also any topic model instances including `tomotopy.LDAModel` and its descendants. If `corpus` is an instance of `tomotpy.utils.Corpus`, `targets` must be given too. coherence : Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int]] A coherence metric to be used. The metric can be a combination of (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure`) or a combination of (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure`, `tomotopy.coherence.IndirectMeasure`). Also shorthands in `str` type are supported as follows: > * 'u_mass' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.DOCUMENT`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_PRE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.LOGCOND`) > * 'c_uci' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_ONE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.PMI`) > * 'c_npmi' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_ONE`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.NPMI`) > * 'c_v' : (`tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`, `tomotopy.coherence.Segmentation.ONE_SET`, `tomotopy.coherence.ConfirmMeasure.NPMI`, `tomotopy.coherence.IndirectMeasure.COSINE`) window_size : int A window size for `tomotopy.coherence.ProbEstimation.SLIDING_WINDOWS`. default value is 10 for 'c_uci' and 'c_npmi' and 110 for 'c_v'. targets : Iterable[str] If `corpus` is an instance of `tomotpy.utils.Corpus`, target words must be given. Only words that are provided as `targets` are included in probability estimation. top_n : int The number of top words to be extracted from each topic. If `corpus` is an instance of `tomotopy.LDAModel` and its descendants, target words are extracted from each topic of the topic model. But if `targets` are given, target words are extracted from `targets`, even if `corpus` is an instance of topic models. eps : float An epsilon value to prevent division by zero gamma : float A gamma value for indirect confirm measures ''' import tomotopy as tp import itertools self._top_n = top_n if isinstance(corpus, tp.DTModel): self._topic_model = corpus if targets is None: targets = itertools.chain(*((w for w, _ in corpus.get_topic_words(k, t, top_n=top_n)) for k in range(corpus.k) for t in range(corpus.num_timepoints))) corpus = elif isinstance(corpus, tp.LDAModel): self._topic_model = corpus if targets is None: targets = itertools.chain(*((w for w, _ in corpus.get_topic_words(k, top_n=top_n)) for k in range(corpus.k))) corpus = else: self._topic_model = None try: pe, w, seg, cm, im = Coherence._COH_MAP[coherence] except KeyError: if type(coherence) is str: raise ValueError("Unknown `coherence` value (given {})".format(repr(coherence))) if len(coherence) not in (3, 4): raise ValueError("`coherence` must be a tuple with len=3 or len=4 (given {})".format(repr(coherence))) if len(coherence) == 3: pe, seg, cm = coherence im = IndirectMeasure.NONE else: pe, seg, cm, im = coherence w = 0 if type(pe) is str: pe = ProbEstimation[pe] if type(seg) is str: seg = Segmentation[seg] if type(cm) is str: cm = ConfirmMeasure[cm] if type(im) is str: im = IndirectMeasure[im] if not targets: raise ValueError("`targets` must be given as a non-empty iterable of str.") super().__init__(corpus, pe=pe, seg=seg, cm=cm, im=im, window_size=window_size or w, targets=targets, eps=eps, gamma=gamma) def get_score(self, words=None, topic_id=None, timepoint=None): '''Calculate the coherence score for given `words` or `topic_id` Parameters ---------- words : Iterable[str] Words whose coherence is calculated. If `tomotopy.coherence.Coherence` was initialized using `corpus` as `tomotopy.LDAModel` or its descendants, `words` can be omitted. In this case words are extracted from topic with `topic_id`. topic_id : int An id of the topic from which words are extracted. This parameter is valid when `tomotopy.coherence.Coherence` was initialized using `corpus` as `tomotopy.LDAModel` or its descendants. If this is omitted, the average score of all topics is returned. timepoint : int ..versionadded:: 0.12.3 A timepoint of the topic from which words are extracted. (Only for `tomotopy.DTModel`) ''' import tomotopy as tp if words is None and self._topic_model is None: raise ValueError("`words` must be provided if `Coherence` is not bound to an instance of topic model.") if isinstance(self._topic_model, tp.DTModel): if int(topic_id is None) + int(timepoint is None) == 1: raise ValueError("Both `topic_id` and `timepoint` should be given.") if words is None and topic_id is None: c = [] for k in range(self._topic_model.k): for t in range(self._topic_model.num_timepoints): c.append(super().get_score((w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(k, timepoint=t, top_n=self._top_n)))) return sum(c) / len(c) if words is None: words = (w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(topic_id, timepoint=timepoint, top_n=self._top_n)) return super().get_score(words) else: if timepoint is not None: raise ValueError("`timepoint` is valid for only `DTModel`.") if words is None and topic_id is None: c = [] for k in range(self._topic_model.k): c.append(super().get_score((w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(k, top_n=self._top_n)))) return sum(c) / len(c) if words is None: words = (w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(topic_id, top_n=self._top_n)) return super().get_score(words)
부모 클래스
- tomotopy._Coherence
def get_score(self, words=None, topic_id=None, timepoint=None)
를 이용해 coherence를 계산합니다.파라미터
- coherence가 계산될 단어들.
나 기타 토픽 모델의 인스턴스로corpus
를 받아 초기화된 경우words
는 생략될 수 있습니다. 이 경우 단어들은 토픽 모델의topic_id
토픽에서 추출됩니다. topic_id
- 단어가 추출될 토픽의 id.
이 파라미터는 오직
나 기타 토픽 모델의 인스턴스로corpus
를 받아 초기화된 경우에만 사용 가능합니다. 생략시 모든 토픽의 coherence 점수를 평균낸 값이 반환됩니다. timepoint
추가된 버전: 0.12.3
단어가 추출될 토픽의 시점 (
에서만 유효)
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def get_score(self, words=None, topic_id=None, timepoint=None): '''Calculate the coherence score for given `words` or `topic_id` Parameters ---------- words : Iterable[str] Words whose coherence is calculated. If `tomotopy.coherence.Coherence` was initialized using `corpus` as `tomotopy.LDAModel` or its descendants, `words` can be omitted. In this case words are extracted from topic with `topic_id`. topic_id : int An id of the topic from which words are extracted. This parameter is valid when `tomotopy.coherence.Coherence` was initialized using `corpus` as `tomotopy.LDAModel` or its descendants. If this is omitted, the average score of all topics is returned. timepoint : int ..versionadded:: 0.12.3 A timepoint of the topic from which words are extracted. (Only for `tomotopy.DTModel`) ''' import tomotopy as tp if words is None and self._topic_model is None: raise ValueError("`words` must be provided if `Coherence` is not bound to an instance of topic model.") if isinstance(self._topic_model, tp.DTModel): if int(topic_id is None) + int(timepoint is None) == 1: raise ValueError("Both `topic_id` and `timepoint` should be given.") if words is None and topic_id is None: c = [] for k in range(self._topic_model.k): for t in range(self._topic_model.num_timepoints): c.append(super().get_score((w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(k, timepoint=t, top_n=self._top_n)))) return sum(c) / len(c) if words is None: words = (w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(topic_id, timepoint=timepoint, top_n=self._top_n)) return super().get_score(words) else: if timepoint is not None: raise ValueError("`timepoint` is valid for only `DTModel`.") if words is None and topic_id is None: c = [] for k in range(self._topic_model.k): c.append(super().get_score((w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(k, top_n=self._top_n)))) return sum(c) / len(c) if words is None: words = (w for w, _ in self._topic_model.get_topic_words(topic_id, top_n=self._top_n)) return super().get_score(words)
class ConfirmMeasure (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
논문에 제시된 direct confirm measure를 위한 열거형
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class ConfirmMeasure(IntEnum): ''' This enumeration follows the direct confirm measure in the paper. ''' DIFFERENCE = 1 RATIO = 2 LIKELIHOOD = 3 LOGLIKELIHOOD = 4 PMI = 5 NPMI = 6 LOGCOND = 7
부모 클래스
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var NPMI
var PMI
class IndirectMeasure (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
논문에 제시된 indirect confirm measure를 위한 열거형
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class IndirectMeasure(IntEnum): ''' This enumeration follows the indirect confirm measure in the paper. ''' NONE = 0 COSINE = 1 DICE = 2 JACCARD = 3
부모 클래스
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var DICE
var NONE
class ProbEstimation (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
논문에 제시된 probability estimator를 위한 열거형
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class ProbEstimation(IntEnum): ''' This enumeration follows the probability estimator in the paper. ''' DOCUMENT = 1 SLIDING_WINDOWS = 2
부모 클래스
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
class Segmentation (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
논문에 제시된 segmentation을 위한 열거형
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class Segmentation(IntEnum): ''' This enumeration follows the segmentation in the paper. ''' ONE_ONE = 1 ONE_PRE = 2 ONE_SUC = 3 ONE_ALL = 4 ONE_SET = 5
부모 클래스
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables