EigenRand  0.3.0
NormalExp.h File Reference
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class  Eigen::Rand::StdNormalGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on the standard normal distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::NormalGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a normal distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::LognormalGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a lognormal distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::StudentTGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a Student's t distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::ExponentialGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on an exponential distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::GammaGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a gamma distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::WeibullGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a Weibull distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::ExtremeValueGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on an extreme value distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::ChiSquaredGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a chi-squared distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::CauchyGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a Cauchy distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::BetaGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a beta distribution. More...
class  Eigen::Rand::FisherFGen< _Scalar >
 Generator of reals on a Fisher's f distribution. More...


 namespace for EigenRand


template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::BetaType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< BetaGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::CauchyType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< CauchyGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::NormalType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< StdNormalGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::Normal2Type = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< NormalGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::LognormalType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< LognormalGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::StudentTType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< StudentTGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::ExponentialType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< ExponentialGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::GammaType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< GammaGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::WeibullType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< WeibullGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::ExtremeValueType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< ExtremeValueGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::ChiSquaredType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< ChiSquaredGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
using Eigen::Rand::FisherFType = CwiseNullaryOp< internal::scalar_rng_adaptor< FisherFGen< typename Derived::Scalar >, typename Derived::Scalar, Urng, true >, const Derived >


template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const BetaType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::beta (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar a=1, typename Derived::Scalar b=1)
 generates reals on the beta distribution. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const BetaType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::betaLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar a=1, typename Derived::Scalar b=1)
 generates reals on the beta distribution. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const CauchyType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::cauchy (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar a=0, typename Derived::Scalar b=1)
 generates reals on the Cauchy distribution. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const CauchyType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::cauchyLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar a=0, typename Derived::Scalar b=1)
 generates reals on the Cauchy distribution. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const NormalType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::normal (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng)
 generates reals on a standard normal distribution (mean = 0, stdev=1) More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const NormalType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::normalLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng)
 generates reals on a standard normal distribution (mean = 0, stdev=1) More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const Normal2Type< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::normal (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar mean, typename Derived::Scalar stdev=1)
 generates reals on a normal distribution with arbitrary mean and stdev. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const Normal2Type< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::normalLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar mean, typename Derived::Scalar stdev=1)
 generates reals on a normal distribution with arbitrary mean and stdev. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const LognormalType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::lognormal (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar mean=0, typename Derived::Scalar stdev=1)
 generates reals on a lognormal distribution with arbitrary mean and stdev. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const LognormalType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::lognormalLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar mean=0, typename Derived::Scalar stdev=1)
 generates reals on a lognormal distribution with arbitrary mean and stdev. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const StudentTType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::studentT (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar n=1)
 generates reals on the Student's t distribution with arbirtrary degress of freedom. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const StudentTType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::studentTLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar n=1)
 generates reals on the Student's t distribution with arbirtrary degress of freedom. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const ExponentialType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::exponential (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar lambda=1)
 generates reals on an exponential distribution with arbitrary scale parameter. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const ExponentialType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::exponentialLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar lambda=1)
 generates reals on an exponential distribution with arbitrary scale parameter. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const GammaType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::gamma (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar alpha=1, typename Derived::Scalar beta=1)
 generates reals on a gamma distribution with arbitrary shape and scale parameter. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const GammaType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::gammaLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar alpha=1, typename Derived::Scalar beta=1)
 generates reals on a gamma distribution with arbitrary shape and scale parameter. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const WeibullType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::weibull (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar a=1, typename Derived::Scalar b=1)
 generates reals on a Weibull distribution with arbitrary shape and scale parameter. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const WeibullType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::weibullLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar a=1, typename Derived::Scalar b=1)
 generates reals on a Weibull distribution with arbitrary shape and scale parameter. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const ExtremeValueType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::extremeValue (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar a=0, typename Derived::Scalar b=1)
 generates reals on an extreme value distribution (a.k.a Gumbel Type I, log-Weibull, Fisher-Tippett Type I) with arbitrary shape and scale parameter. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const ExtremeValueType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::extremeValueLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar a=0, typename Derived::Scalar b=1)
 generates reals on an extreme value distribution (a.k.a Gumbel Type I, log-Weibull, Fisher-Tippett Type I) with arbitrary shape and scale parameter. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const ChiSquaredType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::chiSquared (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar n=1)
 generates reals on the Chi-squared distribution with arbitrary degrees of freedom. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const ChiSquaredType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::chiSquaredLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar n=1)
 generates reals on the Chi-squared distribution with arbitrary degrees of freedom. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const FisherFType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::fisherF (Index rows, Index cols, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar m=1, typename Derived::Scalar n=1)
 generates reals on the Fisher's F distribution. More...
template<typename Derived , typename Urng >
const FisherFType< Derived, Urng > Eigen::Rand::fisherFLike (Derived &o, Urng &&urng, typename Derived::Scalar m=1, typename Derived::Scalar n=1)
 generates reals on the Fisher's F distribution. More...

Detailed Description

bab2min (bab2m.nosp@m.in@g.nosp@m.mail..nosp@m.com)