EigenRand  0.3.0
Getting Started


You can install EigenRand by just downloading the source codes from the repository. Since EigenRand is a header-only library like Eigen, none of binaries needs to be installed. All you need is Eigen 3.3.7 and C++11 compiler.

Simple Random Matrix Generators

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <EigenRand/EigenRand>
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
// Initialize random number generator with seed=42 for following codes.
// Or you can use C++11 RNG such as std::mt19937 or std::ranlux48.
Rand::Vmt19937_64 urng{ 42 };
// this will generate 4x4 real matrix with range [-1, 1]
MatrixXf mat = Rand::balanced<MatrixXf>(4, 4, urng);
std::cout << mat << std::endl;
// this will generate 10x10 real 2d array on the normal distribution
ArrayXXf arr = Rand::normal<ArrayXXf>(10, 10, urng);
std::cout << arr << std::endl;
return 0;
std::mt19937_64 Vmt19937_64
same as std::mt19937_64 when EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE, Pmt19937_64<internal::Packet4i> when SSE2 enabled ...
Definition: PacketRandomEngine.h:583

Random Matrix Functions with suffix '-Like'

Basically, in order to call each random distribution function of EigenRand, template parameters must be passed following the dense matrix or array type to be created. But, if you have an instance of Eigen::Matrix or Eigen::Array already, you can use -Like function to generate a random matrix or array with the same type and shape.

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <EigenRand/EigenRand>
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
Rand::Vmt19937_64 urng{ 42 };
MatrixXf mat{ 10, 10 };
// this will generate a random matrix in MatrixXf type with the shape (10, 10)
// note: it doesn't change mat at all.
Rand::balancedLike(mat, urng);
// if you want to assign a random matrix into itself, use assignment operator.
mat = Rand::balancedLike(mat, urng);
std::cout << mat << std::endl;
return 0;
const BalancedType< Derived, Urng > balancedLike(const Derived &o, Urng &&urng)
generates reals in a range [-1, 1]
Definition: Basic.h:463

Every random distribution function has its corresponding -Like function.

Efficient Reusable Generator

In the example above, functions, such as Eigen::Rand::balancedLike, Eigen::Rand::normal and so on, creates a generator internally each time to be called. If you want to generate random matrices from the same distribution, consider using Generator classes as following:

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <EigenRand/EigenRand>
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
Rand::Vmt19937_64 urng{ 42 };
// constructs generator for normal distribution with mean=1.0, stdev=2.0
Rand::NormalGen<float> norm_gen{ 1.0, 2.0 };
// Generator classes have a template function `generate`.
// 10 by 10 random matrix will be assigned to `mat`.
MatrixXf mat = norm_gen.template generate<MatrixXf>(10, 10, urng);
std::cout << mat << std::endl;
// Generator classes also have `generateLike`.
mat = norm_gen.generateLike(mat, urng);
std::cout << mat << std::endl;
return 0;

Drawing samples from Multivariate Distribution

EigenRand provides generators for some multivariate distributions.

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <EigenRand/EigenRand>
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
Rand::Vmt19937_64 urng{ 42 };
Vector4f mean{ 0, 1, 2, 3 };
Matrix4f cov;
cov << 1, 1, 0, 0,
1, 2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 3, 1,
0, 0, 1, 2;
// constructs MvNormalGen with Scalar=float, Dim=4
Rand::MvNormalGen<float, 4> gen1{ mean, cov };
// or you can use `make-` helper function. It can deduce the type of generator to be created.
auto gen2 = Rand::makeMvNormalGen(mean, cov);
// generates one sample ( shape (4, 1) )
Vector4f sample = gen1.generate(urng);
// generates 10 samples ( shape (4, 10) )
Matrix<float, 4, -1> samples = gen1.generate(urng, 10);
// or you can just use `MatrixXf` type
// construct MvWishartGen with Scalar=float, Dim=4, df=4
auto gen3 = Rand::makeWishartGen(4, cov);
// generates one sample ( shape (4, 4) )
Matrix4f sample = gen3.generate(urng);
// generates 10 samples ( shape (4, 40) )
Matrix<float, 4, -1> samples = gen3.generate(urng, 10);
// or you can just use `MatrixXf` type
return 0;
auto makeMvNormalGen(const MatrixBase< MeanTy > &mean, const MatrixBase< CovTy > &cov) -> MvNormalGen< typename MatrixBase< MeanTy >::Scalar, MatrixBase< MeanTy >::RowsAtCompileTime >
helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::MvNormal
Definition: MvNormal.h:125
auto makeWishartGen(Index df, const MatrixBase< ScaleTy > &scale) -> WishartGen< typename MatrixBase< ScaleTy >::Scalar, MatrixBase< ScaleTy >::RowsAtCompileTime >
helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::WishartGen
Definition: MvNormal.h:296